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王鹏蔚     博士、教授、博士生导师











 王鹏蔚,园艺林学学院园艺系教授,交叉科学研究院独立研究员。从事植物细胞生物学与园艺基础生物学研究,研究对象包括柑橘、番茄、拟南芥。入选国家青年人才项目,现任中国植物学会-植物细胞生物学专业委员会委员、湖北省细胞生物学会理事会理事、《Frontiers in Plant Science》编委、特邀副主编,《New Phytologist》副主编,实验室主要研究方向包括:

1. 植物内质网-细胞器互作网络:内质网作为细胞内膜系统的核心结构,可以与多种细胞器(或者细胞骨架)相互作用,形成一个庞大而复杂的互作网络。实验室多年来着重解析负责内质网-细胞器互作的分子机器及其生物学意义,重点关注细胞器互作网络在植物逆境反应与生殖发育等方面的作用。

2. 植物细胞骨架:细胞骨架的动态调控,对于植物的生长发育尤为重要,在园艺作物中,细胞骨架也是多种植物器官(果实)形态建立的决定因素,实验室以此为切入点,关注细胞骨架对于植物细胞极性与器官形态建立的分子机制。

3. 自噬的发生与调控:自噬机制用于降解受损细胞器、蛋白等物质,对于维持细胞稳态、加强植物抗性尤为重要。实验室通过解析植物细胞中自噬体的生物发生与调控机制,

4. 细胞器功能与果实品质调控:果实细胞中特定的细胞器对于果实品质尤为重要,例如叶绿体与有色体参与果实色泽建立;线粒体参与果实中关键代谢产物的合成。实验室通过解析这些重要细胞器的生物发生、命运周期,从而了解参与果实品质建立与维持的生物学机制。


1. 自然科学基金面上项目:植物SCAR/WAVE复合体与线粒体协同调节的自噬机制及其对柑橘果实品质的影响,2018-2021,60万

2. 自然科学基金重点研究计划(培育项目):植物内质网-质膜连接点与VAP27蛋白所调控的细胞自噬机制对生物胁迫的响应,2019-2021,92万

3. 园艺植物细胞工程与种质创新教育部创新团队子课题:细胞骨架与内膜系统协同建立的细胞极性机制对柑橘胚胎发生的影响,2018-2020,30万

4. 国家重点研发计划子课题:柑橘果实品质保持过程中亚细胞器功能及品质调控机制研究,2018-2022,76万

5. 国家重点研发计划子课题:细胞生命活动对柑橘营养吸收和品质形成的调控机制,2019-2022,83万

6. 国家留学基金委: 地区科研合作与高层次人才培养项目“内质网在植物防御反应的功能研究”,2020-2021,7万


1. Zang, J. #, Klemm, S. #, Pain, C., Duckney, P., Bao, Z., Stamm, G., Kriechbaumer, V., Bürstenbinder, K., Hussey, P. J.*, and Wang, P.* (2021). A Novel Plant Actin Microtubule Bridging Complex Regulates Cytoskeletal and ER Structure at Endoplasmic Reticulum Plasma Membrane Contact Sites. Curr Biol, 31:1251-1260.

2. Gong, J. #, Zeng, Y. #, Meng, Q., Guan, Y., Li, C., Yang, H., Zhang, Y., Ampomah-Dwamena, C., Liu,P., Chen, C., Deng, X., Cheng, Y., and Wang,P.* (2021). Red light-induced citrus fruit colouration is attributable to increased carotenoid metabolism regulated by FcrNAC22. J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erab283

3. Gong, J. #, Tian, Z. #, Qu, X., Meng, Q., Guan, Y., Liu, P., Chen, C., Deng, X., Guo, W., Cheng, Y., and Wang,P.* (2021). Illuminating the cells: transient transformation of citrus to study gene function and organelle activities related to fruit quality. Hort Res, DOI:10.1038/s41438-021-00611-1

4. Zang, J., Kriechbaumer, V., and Wang, P.* (2021) Plant cytoskeletons and the endoplasmic reticulum network organization. J Plant Phys, DOI:10.1016/j.physletb.2003.10.071

5. Bao, Z., Xu, Z., Zang, J., Bürstenbinder, K. Wang, P.* (2021) The morphological diversity of plant organs: manipulating the organization of microtubules may do the trick. Front Cell Dev Biol. 9:649626.

6. Li, X., Chai, F., Yang, H., Tian, Z., Li, C., Xu, R., Shi, C., Zhu, F., Zeng, Y., Deng, X., Wang, P. *, and Cheng, Y. * (2021) Isolation and comparative proteomic analysis of mitochondria from the pulp of ripening citrus fruit. Hort Res, 8:31.

7. Zang, J., Zhang, T., Hussey PJ., and Wang, P.,* (2020) Light Microscopy of the Endoplasmic Reticulum-Membrane Contact Sites in Plants. J Microscopy, 280:134-139.

8. Wang, P.,* Gao, E., and Hussey PJ.* (2020) Autophagosome biogenesis in plants: an actin cytoskeleton perspective. Trends in Plant Sci, 25:850-858.

9. Wang, P.#, Pleskot, R.#, Zang, J., Winkler, J., Wang, J., Yperman, K., Zhang, T., Wang, K., Gong, J., Guan, Y., et al. (2019). Plant AtEH/Pan1 proteins drive autophagosome formation at ER-PM contact sites with actin and endocytic machinery. Nature Comm. 10, 5132.

10. Wang, P. * & Hussey, P.J. * (2019) Plant ER-PM Contact Sites in Endocytosis and Autophagy: Does the Local Composition of Membrane Phospholipid Play a Role? Front Plant Sci, 10: 23.  

11. Wang, P.*, Richardson, C., Hawes, C. and Hussey, P.J. (2018) Characterization of Proteins Localized to Plant ER-PM Contact Sites. Methods Mol Biol. 1691:23-31.

12. Wang, P., Hawkins, T.J. and Hussey P.J.* (2017) Connecting membranes to the actin cytoskeleton. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 40: 71-76.

13. Wang, P. and Hussey, P.J.* (2017) NETWORKED 3B: a novel protein in the actin cytoskeleton-endoplasmic reticulum interaction. J Exp Bot 68(7): 1441-1450.  

14. Wang P., Hawes C., and Hussey P.J.* (2017) Plant endoplasmic reticulum—plasma membrane contacts sites. Trends in Plant Sci, 22(4): 289-297.

15. Wang, P., Richardson, C., Hawes, C. and Hussey, P.J* (2016). Arabidopsis NAP1 regulates the formation of autophagosomes. Curr Biol, 26: 2060-2069

16. Wang, P., Hawkins, T.J., Richardson, C., Sparkes, I., Hawes, C. and Hussey, P.J.* (2016) Plant VAP proteins: domain characterization, intercellular localization, and role in plant development. New Phyt, 210:1311-1326.

17. Knox, K.,# Wang, P.,# Kriechbaumer, K., Tilsner, J., Frigerio, L., Sparkes, I., Hawes, C. and Oparka, K.* (2015) Putting the squeeze on PDs- a role for RETICULONS in primary plasmodesmata formation. Plant Phys, 168: 1563  

18. Wang, P. and Hussey, P.J.* (2015) Interactions between actin cytoskeleton and the endomembrane system. Front Plant Sci, 6:422.        

19. Wang, P., Hawkins, T.J., Richardson, C., Cummins, I., Deeks, M.J., Sparkes, I., Hawes, C. and Hussey, P.J.* (2014) The plant cytoskeleton, NET3C, and VAP27 mediate the link between the plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum. Curr Biol, 24, 1397              

20. Wang, P., Hummel, E., Osterrieder, A., Meyer, A.J., Frigerio, L., Sparkes, I. and Hawes, C*. (2011) KMS1 and KMS2, two plant endoplasmic reticulum proteins involved in the early secretory pathway. Plant J, 66, 613-628.
